
Friday, August 22, 2008

Goodbye my frenz

Till when i m reading on nix sun's personal msg on msn, i realise stg bad happen...
Although I was once ur clazmate...
I wasnt that close to u...
just rmb there is this gentleman sitting at the back row of mine...
u seldom talk to me..
but one thing nvr goes wrong is the 24 hr smile u hav on ur face...showing how optimistic u are...
I was reading nix sun journal before turning over your blog entries...
Nix sun description abt u is truly touching
your writings make me weep...
We were all saddened that leukemia took you away..
I truly respect the courageous you hav put into this battle...
For evy single pain & suffering u hav gone thru all these years, not only u didnt give in..but there u are, staying bold n optismistic...
The spirit that u hav shall alwiz be the inspiring force to those who hav suffered similar fates..
That makes me thought for a while life is not long but fragile...
we shall cherish evy single moment we have and no arresting shall be given to the vast wheel of time...
May u rest in peace, Ju Liang~

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